Driving under the influence of alcohol, drunk driving, drinking and driving (North American English), or drink-driving (British/Irish and Australian/New Zealand English), is the act of driving a motor vehicle (and sometimes a bicycle or similar human-powered vehicle) after having consumed alcohol (ethanol) or other drugs, to the degree that mental stability and motor skills are impaired. It is a crime in most countries.

A person is charged of DWI (Driving while intoxicated)when he or she drives or is in a physical control of a motor vehicle and is under the influence of alcoholic beverages or any chemical or controlled substance to that extent that his or her mental balance is impaired or when his or her blood alcohol level (BAC) is above the legal limit for the state.

If a person drinks while boating, he or she could be charged with Boating While Intoxicated (BWI), which carries similar results as DUI charges.

These are all criminal law matters. Depending on how serious the charges are there are various mode of punishment such as imprisonment, monitory fine etc. Whether you are charged with a misdemeanor or felony offense, you should contact a DWI attorney immediately if you are arrested. You can use the attorney search form to find a qualified DWI attorney for your case or for that of your friend or loved one.

Because DWI is a highly technical field, you not only need to hire a DWI/DUI lawyer, but one who specifically specializes in DWI defense. DWI attorneys know that some of the enforcement and judicial procedures are unconstitutional and violate motorists' rights.

There are many undesirable effects of being charged with DUI/DWI, which can include:

  • Increased insurance costs
  • Hefty fines
  • Driving disqualification
  • Alcohol assessment and treatment

The defense used by a qualified and experienced DUI/DWI lawyer will relate to areas such as:

  • Whether you suffered violation of your constitutional rights
  • Whether the officer concerned followed the correct procedures and regulation in a proper fashion
  • Whether you read your rights when the officer made the DUI/DWI arrest
  • Whether the BAC tests were properly carried out
  • Whether the equipment used to monitor blood alcohol levels was maintained and in good working order.

Many cases of DUI/DWI get dismissed by experienced DWI lawyers on simple technicalities.

DUI/DWI laws can change on a regular basis, and an experienced lawyer will be able to offer up-to-date advice on any changes in law that could help you to avoid a DUI/DWI charge. Here is a good source of DWI website – Austin DWI


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